Ever wonder how medical breakthroughs occur and become known?
Jacksonville Cardiologist and JCCR Founder, Dr. Michael Koren M.D., published as first author an article in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine about a new, first-in-class Lp(a) lowering therapy called Olpasiran. Lp(a) is the lipoprotein that includes an LDL particle and the apolipoprotein a (protein portion that surrounds the LDL molecule) called LPA. Olpasiran prevents the LPA gene from forming apolipoprotein a; therefore, Lp(a) is not made.
Lipoprotein a, Lp(a), is an independent risk for cardiovascular disease. It is associated with a higher risk of heart attack or stroke and is pro-inflammatory. There are currently no pharmacotherapies directly targeting Lp(a) available for clinical use.
Still confused? Go to https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01634-w for more details on this exciting breakthrough.
(Images from FH Foundation)