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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United States. There are several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This can include things you can’t change, such as sex, age, and genetics. They can also include things you can change. The WHO identifies four big behaviors that can change your risk of developing CVD:

  • Poor diet
  • Low exercise
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking

These behaviors generally lead to other undesirable indicators of health, including obesity, hypertension, high blood sugar, and increased cholesterol. Clearly, ceasing the behavioral risks is a high priority. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done.

One of the most difficult habits to quit is smoking. Studies show that those attempting to quit without assistance have an over 90% relapse rate. Several medications exist to help quit smoking, including Bupropion SR (aka Wellbutrin) and Varenicline (aka Chantix). There are also nicotine-based alternatives, including gum, inhalers, lozenges, nasal sprays, and patches.  Nicotine rewires the brain as it’s consumed. It releases dopamine, the brain’s reward drug, and rewards us for smoking. Researchers think the frequency of smoking may be partially to blame for the intensity of the addiction. The amount of dopamine released is not particularly high compared with other drugs, but nicotine also causes changes to the striatum. The striatum is part of the reward circuit in the brain. Through a complicated mechanism, nicotine increases the amount of a protein called FosB, which changes the striatum’s sensitivity to dopamine. This is a change at the genetic level which makes the brain more susceptible to further reward signals. Nicotine seems to make normal activities more pleasurable. Unfortunately, as nicotine adjusts the brain’s mechanisms, the brain relies on it to get to a baseline of reward. Upon quitting smoking, the brain finds normal activities less enjoyable.

On its own, nicotine may have negative effects, and in heavy doses it has been shown to be dangerous. The biggest dangers of smoking, however, are likely in the myriad of other chemicals in tobacco and cigarettes. Though nicotine causes changes in the brain, cigarettes cause changes to the fats in your body, further increasing CVD risk. Along with this, cigarettes cause cancer, COPD, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and immune system changes. Clearly, quitting smoking is critical to health. With the addictive nature of nicotine and the low success rate of quitting cold turkey, assistance may be needed. 

The brain gets addicted to nicotine, but we can fight back using behavior. You can actually help yourself “break the cycle” of nicotine addiction by changing your daily routines. For example if the first thing you do in the morning is reach for a cigarette, change your routine to going to the bathroom and brushing your teeth first instead. Behavioral interventions can make a significant difference. Combining behavior changes and counseling with a nicotine replacement or medication can help quit rates approach 30%. Indeed, nicotine replacements are most effective when used with behavioral interventions. 

Changing your behavior or routine can have positive impacts on your health. So next time you want to reach for a cigarette, grab your phone instead! Give us a call and discover what clinical trials you can take part in!


Bancej, C., O’Loughlin, J., Platt, R. W., Paradis, G., & Gervais, A. (2007). Smoking cessation attempts among adolescent smokers: a systematic review of prevalence studies. Tobacco control, 16(6), e8-e8.

Fiore, M. (2008). Treating tobacco use and dependence; 2008 guideline.

Garbin, U., Fratta Pasini, A., Stranieri, C., Cominacini, M., Pasini, A., Manfro, S., … & Cominacini, L. (2009). Cigarette smoking blocks the protective expression of Nrf2/ARE pathway in peripheral mononuclear cells of young heavy smokers favouring inflammation. PloS one, 4(12), e8225.

Koren, M. (Host). (2022, May 22). Nicotine replacement therapies to help stop smoking  [Audio podcast episode]. In Medevidence! Truth behind the data. ENCORE Research Group.

Messner, B., & Bernhard, D. (2014). Smoking and cardiovascular disease: mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction and early atherogenesis. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, 34(3), 509-515.

NIDA. (2018, September 28). Recent Research Sheds New Light on Why Nicotine is So Addictive.

US Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). The health consequences of smoking—50 years of progress: a report of the Surgeon General.


January 18, 2022 BlogSmoking Cessation

Daily habits can be hard to break, and if your daily habit is smoking, it can feel nearly impossible! However, when you understand the addictive nature of tobacco, it’s easier to understand why many just can’t quit. In fact, within the last couple of years, 50% of smokers attempted to quit, but only about 8% were successful. 

Smoking cessation becomes easier if you have a plan in place. Below is a comprehensive list that will aid in your journey to a healthier lifestyle without tobacco. So let’s quit smoking together!

The Plan

1. List your Reasons for Stopping 

Stay motivated by writing down a list of reasons you want to stop smoking. Frequently referring back to this list will keep you aware of why you are doing what you are doing when times get hard. 

Reasons can include:

  • Reducing your risk of heart disease. The risk of heart attack or stroke is decreased by 50% after two years of not smoking. After 15 years, your risk of heart attack is similar to that of a person who never smoked
  • Saving money! Smokers can save between $1,380 and $2,540 annually (depending on where they live) by quitting a pack-a-day habit. 
  • Keeping friends and family away from second-hand smoke. Secondhand smoke causes nearly 34,000 premature deaths from heart disease each year in the United States among nonsmokers.

2. Pick a Quit Day

You control your destiny, so it is your responsibility to pick a quit day. If your quit day is too far out, you may find it hard to keep that motivation. But, on the other hand, you need to give yourself time to prepare. 

Many believe it is best to wean off smoking, but studies have shown that the best results come from picking a day and quitting cold turkey. 

3. Prepare for Your Quit Day

Research has shown that the best results come from counseling and medication for quitting smoking. These things take planning. Here is a list that may help you with that:

  • Talk to your doctor about medications. Some treatments can lessen your craving. It is essential to talk to your doctor and begin one on your quit day. There are also clinical trials where you can receive medications for free with no health insurance needed. 
  • Find a support program. You can also talk to your doctor about support programs. There are many in-person or over-the-phone programs where you can speak with others about your journey.
  • Find helpful online tools and apps. Online tools for creating and implementing a quit plan are available from the National Cancer Institute ( and the Truth Initiative ( These websites and apps can increase smoking cessation success.

Other tips include: 

  • Making a list of triggers 
  • Telling your friends and family, you are quitting
  • Cleaning your house of triggers 
  • Getting your teeth professionally cleaned 

4. Make your Quit Day Easier

Your quit day is approaching quickly; let’s prepare a set of rules to follow. 

  • Don’t smoke, not even once
  • Be sure you know how to use your nicotine replacement therapy if you’ve chosen that method.
  • Read your “Reasons for Stopping” list 
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Go for daily walks to stay active 
  • Avoid stressful situations
  • Attend a class or call into a therapy/group session

EXTRA TIP: Find Clinical Trials near You 

There are many reasons to join a clinical trial. First, it is free to join, you do not need insurance, and you may receive a stipend for time and travel. You will also get attentive care from a medical professional with frequent checkups to motivate you to stay on task. Lastly, you will feel good knowing you are improving your health and the health of future generations. For more information on clinical trials for smoking cessation, visit or call 904-730-1066.


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